The 4 stages of the marketing funnel

Think of it as a road map, where they start their journey, where they need to gas up and grab a snack, where they might need a bit of a push or some directions, how they get to their destination, what they do when they reach their destination and when they come back to visit again.

The funnel is split into four parts and although it represents a journey, it’s not always linear. People might not start at the first stage and work their way through and those who do start at the beginning might not make it to the end.

A marketing or sales funnel is not something you can physically hold, it’s a visual representation of the different stages potential and existing customers go through when engaging with your business.

You have probably heard of the marketing funnel or sales funnel, or even, building a funnel, but what is it, what does it mean and do you even need one?

OK, so that makes sense, but what are you supposed to do with this information? Well, this is your marketing blueprint, your guide to better understanding the buying habits of your potential and existing customers, it’s actually some of the most vital information you need to increase your sales.

Your path to

Understand your marketing funnel

1. Awareness / Interest

This is where people become aware of your business, product or service.
They know your business name and roughly what you offer.

2. Consideration / Decision

Those who are interested in your offer are found here. They are thinking about the options you have, perhaps in comparison to your competitors, but haven’t made a purchase yet.

3. Conversion / Purchase

You did it! This is where a potential customer, turns into an actual customer. They have purchased what you sell.

4. Loyalty / Advocacy / Retention

Repeat customers, everyone loves these! Someone who has purchased from you before, comes back and purchases again - and also tells others they should too.

4 stages of
the marketing funnel

So, in Conclusion…

If you think of your marketing strategy as the foundations of a house, your marketing funnel is the floor plan which showcases the way people move around the house and get from one room to another - just the same as they interact with your business and offering.

To explain this further with real-life example you can use in your own business, we’ve put together a guide you can follow along with.


Consistent marketing


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